Friday, January 11, 2013


Review - 2011 & 2012

Talk about an overdue review!

I posted less in 2011 and even less in 2012.

There was reflection on Blessings and a reminder to Reach Out.  A trip down memory lane with my Nostalgic Work Journey and given that 2011 was a sunnier year than last; A Few Petals From The Garden. Ramadan came and a treat for my Manager's Diary. The year ended On Marriage, thanks to my 28 respondents it helped me as I tied the knot.

Then came 2012 and I blogged just twice - my record low!

5 Ways to Maximise Ramadan was the ice-breaker and sadly the loss of a good friend Pauline Hurd.

It was a year filled with change on so many levels. I have many things I want to share but for one reason or another I have not had the opportunity. Let us see what 2013 brings.

Peace to all.

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